Monday, 10 December 2012

How the Royle's are Represented

The Royle family have very stereotypical family roles. In this post I will go into more detail about each character. Reference:

Sardonic, lazy and grumpy, Jim is a slob who spends his days in his armchair watching the television and doing as little as possible. Jim has a short temper, and regularly berates his family, in particular Anthony and his mother-in-law Norma, when not berating celebrities on television. Jim's outbursts are often accompanied by his mocking catchphrase, "my arse!" He is also a miser and enjoys announcing his visits to the lavatory, though on occasions shows a more understanding side, especially in moments when his family is in serious trouble.

I think this is stereo typical of a man in the family as in sit-coms they are often are made out to be typical lazy, moaning, grumpy men. This is exactly what Jim Royle is like as he spends most of his time slobbing around on the sofa, ordering around his son as he can never be bothered to do things himself. People get this stereotype from many things, such as mens actual behaviour in the home, they can be quite stubborn and set in their ways.

Hard-working Barbara lives for her family, though her caring nature is often exploited by her selfish husband and daughter, who let her do almost everything for them. She is often shown to be more outwardly friendly, down to earth, supportive and respectful than her husband. Barbara worked part time at a bakery, and for a time was the only member of the family to have a job. The strain caused her to snap during series 2 and she stormed out. She is often forgetful. She and Denise chain smoke. Johnston and Tomlinson previously played a married couple, Sheila and Bobby Grant, in Liverpool based soap Brookside.

Barbara Royle is the typical caring mother, who works hard and does everything for her kids. This can be related to real families as Mothers are often the parent that lets the children get away with things, and no matter what the children are like they will still manage to get money out of their Mothers. She is the typical down to earth mother, who works part time. She is motivated as for a while she was the only member of the family to have a job. A typical mum with a positive attitude.

The only daughter of Jim and Barbara, Denise is extremely lazy and obnoxious. Before she met Dave, Denise was engaged to a man named Stewart although she called off the engagement on their wedding day. She married Dave in the first series, and they have two children, Little David and Norma, though she rarely parents her children, instead passing duties on to everyone else. Jim also used to mock her for only serving her husband rudimentary dinners such as dairylea on toast and spaghetti hoops. Denise is known for pulling right back on a cigarette. She and Barbara love smoking and often fill the ash tray. Denise is usually nasty to her younger brother Antony, usually leaving him to babysit her children regularly and forcing him to making cups of tea for the family.

Denise has a typical teenage role in a family, she is moody and lazy. She cant deal with commitment as she is still quite young. Although she may not be an actual teenager she still lives at home and acts like a teenager and leads a teenage lifestyle. She has two children which she takes little responsibilty for, as she is a typical teenage role she find it hard to take responsibility for anything she does.

Ralf Little as Anthony Royle
Anthony is the son of Jim and Barbara, and generally treated as a dogsbody by the family, ordered to do menial tasks such as answering the door, making cups of tea and babysitting Dave and Denise's children. He is the only member of the family (other than Barbara) who actually does any work in the house or otherwise. He is often mocked by Jim, Denise and Dave and is surprised when in one episode Denise sticks up for him followed by Jim showing him a great deal of warmth. Although originally unemployed with little prospects, it was revealed in the 2006 special that Anthony had gone on to become a successful businessman and no longer lives in Manchester. He gets engaged to girlfriend Emma after she falls pregnant and they have a son named Lewis, but before the 2006 special they have separated and Anthony has recently starting dating a girl named Sarah. In 2009 he is in a relationship with Saskia, who becomes pregnant in early 2010 and goes into labour on Christmas day after he has proposed.

Anthony is the youngest therefore treat as the youngests, such as 'children should be seen and not heard' he is often doing tasks for the other Royles and has very little time for himself. He does work in the house quite a lot. He challenges the typical roles of a lazy, smelly , teenage boy. He is also well behaved and this challenges young boys in the traditional family home.

  • Liz Smith as Norma Jean Speakman (Nana) (1998–2000, 2006)
Barbara's demanding elderly mother, called "Nana" by most of the family. Jim and Norma don't normally get on, as Jim often calls her names such as a "greedy old cow" when she didn't share her Revels with him. Norma often looks for sympathy from her family, repeating that she is the only living elderly woman in her block of flats, and she often hints to move in with the Royles. When her best friend Elsie dies, Jim and Norma argue because Norma goes from mourning to talking about Elsie's television and clothes. Norma eventually moved in with the Royles when her health rapidly declined, and she died in 2006 at the age of 90. When she died, Jim felt severely depressed because of how he feuded with Norma. Jim decided in a mark of respect to put her ashes on top of the television, a place where she will always be remembered.

Norma, from my experience, is a very truthful to the typical inlaw in a house hold. She is demanding and doesnt really get on with Jim her son-in-law, traditional to usual family roles as people often complain of their mother-in-laws. She also seems to milk the family for as much sympathy as she can.

Denise's boyfriend and later husband, Dave is generally quite dumb but is quite friendly and easygoing. He is often Jim's sidekick and he takes Jim's side when he is arguing with Barbara or Denise. Denise often takes advantage of Dave, leaving him to change nappies and care to their children when they get upset. Denise and Dave announced that she was pregnant, and she later gave birth to baby David, and later in the series, Denise announced she was pregnant again and she later had a baby girl, whom she called Norma after Barbara's mother. Dave previously dated Denise's enemy, Beverly Macca, and this is often brought up by Jim to annoy Denise.